Radtag™ is a vital way to store important information relating to your Radiation asset, ensure compliance with state & territory radiation legislation and minimise your business risk.
Track and control your Radiation Assets in 3 Steps
STEP 1: Choose your subscription period:
20% Discount
50% Discount
STEP 2: Choose how many RadTag’s you need:
STEP 3: Provide your Radiation Asset Details*
After completing your purchase, you will receive a unique identification code. This code is used to complete the "Radiation Asset Details" form, allowing you to acquire your RadTag seamlessly." form to get your RadTag.
Why you need RadTag:
- State & Territory radiation safety legislation establishes a number of offences for non-compliance.
- Each state and territory Act establishes corresponding penalty units for specific offenses.
- The value of a penalty unit for a financial year is fixed by the Treasurer.
- Fines of up to $1,635,000 apply for breaches.
Click here to find out more.
Radiation Safety is serious buinsess.

- RadTag minimises your businesses risk and provides your Radiation Source with its own Identity.
- Save all documentation in the one place and never lose a document again.
- Prevent forgetting to renew or update your Radiation Management Licence.

How does Radtag Work?
RadTag™ ID’s assist Radiation Licence holders meet their legislative obligations (licensing, procedures and compliance) under state and territory law. Your RadTag™ provides your Radiation source with its own Asset Identity and creates a common language between the user and the Radiation Safety Regulator.
Download the RadTag APP from Apple or Google
Provide Asset Details To RadTag
RadTag Creates Your Businesses Radiation Asset Database
RadTag Sent To You
Affix RadTag To Your Radiation Asset
Scan And Never Loose A Document Again